The Competition Authority of Kenya is established under the Competition Act, No. 12 of 2010 (the Act). The Authority’s mandate is to enforce the Act with the objective of enhancing the welfare of the people of Kenya by promoting and protecting effective competition in markets and preventing misleading market conduct throughout Kenya.
Competitive markets increase the prosperity and welfare of Kenyan consumers. Our role is to protect, strengthen and supplement the way competition works in Kenya markets and industries to improve the efficiency of the economy and to increase the welfare of Kenyans.
The Authority does this by:
- Promoting and enforcing compliance with the Act;
- Receiving and investigating complaints from legal or natural persons and consumer bodies;
- Promoting public knowledge, awareness and understanding of the obligations, rights and remedies under the Act and the duties, functions and activities of the Authority;
- Promoting the creation of consumer bodies and the establishment of good and proper standards and rules to be followed by such bodies in protecting competition and consumer welfare;
- Recognizing consumer bodies duly registered under the appropriate national laws as the proper bodies, in their areas of operation, to represent consumers before the Authority;
- Making available to consumers information and guidelines relating to the obligations of persons under the Act and the rights and remedies available to consumers under the Act;
- Carrying out inquiries, studies and research into matters relating to competition and the protection of the interests of consumers;
- Studying government policies, procedures and programs, legislation and proposals for legislation so as to assess their effects on competition and consumer welfare and publicize the results of such studies;
- Investigating impediments to competition, including entry into and exit from markets, in the economy as a whole or in particular sectors and publicize the results of such investigations;
- Investigating policies, procedures and programmes of regulatory authorities so as to assess their effects on competition and consumer welfare and publicize the results of such studies;
- Participating in deliberations and proceedings of government, government commissions, regulatory authorities and other bodies in relation to competition and consumer welfare;
- Making representations to government, government commissions, regulatory authorities and other bodies on matters relating to competition and consumer welfare;
- Liaising with regulatory bodies and other public bodies in all matters relating to competition and consumer welfare;
- Advising the government on matters relating to competition and consumer welfare.
A Kenyan economy with globally efficient markets and enhanced consumer welfare for shared prosperity.
To enhance competition and consumer welfare in the Kenyan economy by regulating market structure and conduct in order to ensure efficient markets for sustainable growth and development.
Creating Efficient Markets for Consumers.